IGS Cache Giveaway®

The IGS Cache Giveaway® #2 is now over.  See the solution in the description below.

Periodically, IGS will be giving away a free virtual or physical prize.  The physical IGS Cache Giveaway® will be located somewhere within the Shuswap, Sicamous, Blind Bay and Enderby areas.  The virtual prize will be available to anyone in or out of the region, as the prize will be hidden on the website.  The prize could be a trackable or non trackable geocoin, a geocache container or an item of swag.  This treasure will be yours to keep compliments of Interior Geocaching Supplies.

How to find this free cache will appear on this website.  It could be a map that shows up on this page, similar to the one below in the description section.  It could be coordinates hidden within the text somewhere on this site, such as the code on the “About” page.  Or, it could be in the form of a picture somewhere on this website, again such as on the “About” page.  Or the location could be in the form of a Cipher such as this AAAAB AAAAA AAABA ABBBA ABBAB AAABA ABAAA ABBBB AABBB AABAA BAAAB.

Your sleuthing and geocaching skills will be needed to successfully be the FTF.

This is your “go to” page for information.  When information is released you will find it in the description section found below this write up.

Also, be sure to click this link “About” for your discount coupon code hidden in the About write up.


IGS Cache Giveaway® #2 Solution

As I am returning to work tomorrow after a 3 month healing journey, I have decided to end this giveaway 8 hours early.  There has been no guesses sent to interiorgeocachingsupplies@gmail.com so I thought, while I had the time and lack of activity, I would end it early.

Throughout the write up and story for IGS Cache Giveaway #2 I left multiple solutions.  The first being substituting a letter with a cipher symbol ||/.  Just above the story I wrote this, “||/efore you read further, remember all the wording on this page, on the About page, in the story and in the following instructions are very important!”  This sentence was the beginning of spelling out the word “backslash”, which was the cipher symbol you needed to decode.    You did not have to know the cipher symbol in order to substitute it for the proper letter for the word, you just needed to put the missing letter back in the word.  The word “||/efore  was missing the “B”.  As you read thru the story and substituted the correct letter replacing the symbol, you would have spelled out “backslash” as previously noted.  This was your cipher you needed to know to claim the prize.

As well I hinted in the story to carefully scrutinize the map referring twice to under the shadow of the tree.  Looking in the shadow of the tree, north of Stormont, “storm on the horizon,” you would have again found the word “backslash” near a circle.

Once the cipher name was found, you needed to decipher it on a website.  I had renamed the picture of the map to reflect the website in ROT 13 code.  By using the magnifying glass to enlarge the map you would see this under the map, jjj.pnpurfyrhgu.pbz/onpxfynfu.ugzy,  Using the ROT 13 decoder/encoder on the About page, you would reveal https://www.cachesleuth.com/backslash.html,  Theoretically, you could have found any site to decode the backslash cipher just by searching with Google.

Once you found a decoding site or the decoding site I supplied, you would then copy and paste the coded message . . .

|\|//\/|\|/| ||\//\\|\///\|//\\\\|


|\|//\/|\|/| ///\|\|\||\||//\|/

. . . into a decoder on that site to reveal your gift, an unactivated Gold Country Trackable Gold Nugget Geocoin.

Thanks to everyone who checked this out.  Another IGS Cache Giveaway® is coming soon.



 “The treasure is hidden in such a way, that it is always in sight, but never seen.”